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Restless (2011) Moneyball (2011) New Years Eve (2011) Warrior (2011)


Boy Toy (2011) - Film online subtitrat

Boy Toy is the teen sex comedy (to be fair everyone’s in their thirties) version of Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo minus the heart warming charm. Jake (John White – Erik Stifler from the straight to video American Pie flicks) has no money and no job. His best friend and current roommate Ronnie (Dov Tiefenback) is fed up with his lackadaisical lifestyle which mainly consists of sleeping with a new girl every night in Ronnie’s bed, forcing him to take the couch in his own house. Ronnie’s landlord finds out that Jake’s been staying there and demands more money. Jake makes a promise to get the necessary cash, and when their friend Mouse (Vivian Bang) brings up the idea of male escorts Jake hops on board. Soon he’s moved up to the big leagues and working for Barbra (Morgan Fairchild), who keeps him in the green with a steady flow of clients. After starting a yoga class and falling for the instructor, Norah (Mircea Monroe), it’s easy to see where this movie is going. Will Jake become a one girl kinda guy? The odds are good he will.

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